On Sunday, September 8th, the opening ceremony of the congress will take place from 4 p.m. with the awarding of the Kant-Preis of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation to Prof. Dr. Paul GUYER, of the Kant-Nachwuchspreis of the Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci and the Kant Society to Prof. Dr. Karoline REINHARDT, and of the Kant-Förder-Preis to Dr. Seniye TILEV and Dr. Sebastian ABEL. Afterwards, there will be a small reception.
The individual days (Monday to Friday) will begin at 9.00 am. Until 12.50 pm on each day, various lectures will be held in parallel within the framework of the individual sections. A break is planned from 12.50 pm to 2.15 pm. The main lectures will take place from 2.15 pm. Another break is planned at 6.30 pm before the evening programme starts at 7.30 pm. Information on the supporting programme can be found on this page.
Below you can see the programme in a schematic representation. Underneath you will find the topics of the sections. Please note that the programme is still being changed in the form of additions and, in some cases, postponements of lectures.

These are the topics of the sections:
1. Kant and the Enlightenment
2. Kant's pre-critical philosophy
3. Metaphysics
4. Epistemology and logic
5. Philosophy of science, philosophy of nature and teleology
6. Ethics and moral philosophy
7. Philosophy of law and political philosophy
8. Philosophy of history and culture
9. Philosophy of education, anthropology, and psychology
10. Religion and theology
11. Aesthetics and art theory
12. Kant and German idealism
13. Kant and Neo-Kantianism
14. Kant and phenomenology
15. Kant and the analytic philosophy
16. Kant in contemporary practical philosophy
17. Kant and the global challenges: poverty, climate change, migration
18. Kant and the challenges of artificial intelligence
19. Kant and the non-Western philosophy
20. Kant as a source of inspiration for the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
21. Kant and the problems of social marginalization
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